-Name : Douglas
-In-Game Name : Micheal
-Age : 15
-Location :Malaysia,selangor
-Language(s) : English & Chinese
-Skills : I have experience as a GM.
-Why do you want to be GM? : I want to be a GM to be able to stand up for those who get scammed, or who have been harassed and to hold fun events. Starting off in GMS it really gave me an understanding of what not to do if your a GM. I want to be a GM to finally get revenge on all of those hackers who hurt my experiences in MS and countless others, and to also make sure no one has a bad experience due to some other player (harassment), and to more importantly make sure everyone has a very fun and enjoyable time while playing MS. I personally love helping people and love teaching people new things and as a GM I would take the time to help people around in the server as much as i could, always answering PMs as soon as I get them at least telling them that I have one more situation to take care of before i get to them and then helping them solve the problem as quickly as possible.
-Why do you think you will be a good GM? : I can advertise this server once in a while to bring more players to this server. I will be very helpful to the server and will not abuse my GM Commands.
-How are you active?(hours per day) : 11:00am-7:00 On Weekends 5:00-8:00 On Weekdays.